Time to act is NOW !
Become an active member of our communityGet your PeaceTraveler® Community Membership Card!
Spread the Necessity for an Immediate Reappearance of Environmental Equilibrium!
The driving force behind capitalism is not democratic! Psychopathic multinational companies are threatening nature and society with threats, fraud, and sabotage. The relentless destruction of nature causes global warming and is the greatest crime against humanity and all living things on earth. The global industry is the biggest destruction force behind this suicide killing machine that cannot be stopped by democracy anymore. Capitalism has forgotten that, above human laws, there will always be the ancient laws of nature. It is our undisputed right and duty to protect future generations. But we respond too slowly. Climate change is here, and humans are on the brink of a catastrophe that only dinosaurs could tell if they survived. We are the most powerful generation so far and also the last one who can stop this merciless war against the earth. Our children and grandchildren will have no choice. It will be too late for them. Trading with natural resources will be completed. NOW is the time to act.
Why PeaceTraveler® Community Membership Card?
The Peacetraveler Quest
The Peacetraveler community avoids the status of the association on the physical location, it is more a state of mind. It emphasizes great importance to the Immanent Transcendent Spirit of Light, the Omnipresent, Universal Consciousness, to which all space and time events of this world are totally submerged in It – the Omniscient Mather-Father God, that Knows and can be Known as the Source of Bliss.
Therefore, the Peacetraveler is a movement in space and time, a community without national limitations. It is primarily a well-balanced organism, connected on the physical and spiritual levels. The activities are based on the strategically well-thought-out quests of our diligent members.
The right to membership belongs to all people. Religion, race, nationality, gender, and personal belief are of completely secondary importance. The Peacetraveler is conceived as a diverse global network and is inherently transnational.
Membership is acquired through the ownership of a PeaceTraveler community membership card.
It issues a membership card to anyone who is willing to accept the basic ethical principles. From future applicants, we expect, that they will contribute to the multiplication of a crucial mass of people, which will stabilize a condition of compassion, responsibility, and hope, toward a better future for our descendants. Therefore, membership is welcome for all people of goodwill. The Peacetraveler community currently has several hundred members in numerous countries and continents.
The Peacetraveler community’s continuation of activism is maintained by the diligent activity of its founders, as well as occasional donations from supporters. Last but not least important to us, is the feedback of well-informed citizens, who share first-hand information directly from the sources, as well as predictions about future developments.
© 2023 The Peacetraveler community
PeaceTraveler community membership card
Every adult person, can become a bearer of the PeaceTraveler community membership card and acquire the status of The Peacetraveler community membership. In its founding statements, the Peacetraveler Association rejects all categories of national borders or affiliation to a certain nation and ethnic group. It advocates the principles of transnationality.
The holder of the PeaceTraveler Community membership card becomes a member of the Peacetraveler community.
The membership card holder’s data are NOT recorded in the Gaia Sophia community register in any way possible!
The membership card is numbered and non-transferable. The validity of the card is limited to 10(ten) years and can be renewed for free. By signing the statement in the application form, the membership cardholder pledges to support the basic ethical principles of the The Peacetraveler community, to the best of his or her ability.
The membership card may not be used for criminal, religious, or political purposes, or for any purposes that are in conflict with the basic ethical principles of The Peacetraveler community, or that would jeopardize the good name of The Peacetraveler community. Membership ceases upon the expiration, return, or confiscation of the membership card.
The PeaceTraveler community membership card has latently subversive significance and thus is of unique value. In a situation of different social-environmental, public protests or similar manifestations, the membership cardholder should be encouraged and proud to take an active role in a manner of cooperation and volunteerism by spreading the vision of the Gaia Sophia community.
In this respect, the applicability of the membership card is unlimited and subject to the responsibility of the membership cardholder.
© 2023 The Peacetraveler community
HOW TO GET PeaceTraveler Community membership card
- PeaceTraveler Membership card (Card issued to your personal name). The fee is: €6.00.
- PeaceTraveler Membership card for FREE! (default version sent by e-mail).
- PeaceTraveler Community card is also FREE* of charge – when ordering art or donation! (default version sent by e-mail).
1. With our online form
We will do the work for you and send it to your e-mail address.
PeaceTraveler Membership card (Card issued to your personal name). The fee is: €6.00.
Pay by PayPal or credit card using PayPal Express Checkout
2. Default version
PeaceTraveler Membership card for FREE! (default version sent by e-mail).
Note: If the PeaceTraveler Membership card is delivered by email, allow us approx. 2 weeks for delivery after we have received your application form (and payment).
The membership card will not be sent if the received amount is less than €6.00 (Card issued to your personal name). No refund will be provided.
© 2023 The Peacetraveler Community
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Who can become a Peacetraveler Community, member?
A: Anybody can become a Gaia Sophia member. The bearer of a PeaceTraveler Community membership card becomes a member of the Peacetraveler Quest.
Q: How can I become a member of The Peacetraveler Community?
A: You can become a Peacetraveler Community member, by sending us your application form with two photos. Before you do that, please use one of our payment options, which you can find on this page. After we receive your application form with proof of payment, we will issue your membership card and send it to you for free.
Q: Who may use a membership card?
A: Only the owner of the membership card may use it, as the membership card is numbered and non-transferable.
Q: What is the validity of the membership card?
A: The validity of the membership card is 10(ten) years.
Q: What is the price of the membership card?
A: Peacetraveler Membership ID Card is issued in three different ways:
- Peacetraveler Membership card (Card issued to your personal name). the fee is: €6.00
- Peacetraveler Membership card for FREE! (default download version)
- Peacetraveler card is FREE* of charge – when placing an order from Art of Peace or Donation. (default download version)*
Q: Is it possible to get an additional discount on the membership card?
A: Yes, a 10% discount is possible when ordering more than five cards sent to the same email address.
Q: When will I be issued the membership card?
A: After we have received your application form with proof of payment, we will issue your membership card and send it to you. The PeaceTraveler Association will provide a membership card, to the applicants in the shortest time possible. Currently, this means about 2 weeks from the receipt of your application form. The membership card should have a plastic coating on both sides.
Q: Why have I not received my Peacetraveler Community membership card?
A: We may have checked our database and we did not find any record related to you, which means we have received neither your application form nor proof of payment. We always reply to queries.
Q: Which territories does the Peacetraveler Community membership card, cover?
A: The Peacetraveler Community denies in its fundamental acts the categories of territory, and the principle of national borders, and advocates the law of transnationality.
Q: What obligations and/or benefits does the Peacetraveler Community membership card, bring to the bearer?
A: By signing the adjoining statement the bearer pledges to participate on a best-effort basis to support the basic ethical principles of The Peacetraveler Community. The membership card may not be used for criminal, religious, or political purposes, or for any purposes that conflict with the ethical principles of The Peacetraveler Community, or that would in any way affect the reputation of The Peacetraveler Community. Membership ceases upon the expiration, return, or confiscation of the membership card.
Q: What is the purpose of the Peacetraveler Community membership ID card?
A: PeaceTraveler Community membership card, has latently subversive significance and thus is of unique value. In times of different social-environmental public protests or similar manifestations, we recommend that the cardholder be represented by displaying this card at various meetings, as this helps to spread the vision of The Peacetraveler Community. Furthermore, the membership holder is invited to take an active role in the manner of cooperation and volunteerism by spreading the vision of The Peacetraveler Community. In this respect, the applicability of the membership card is unlimited and subject to the responsibility of the membership cardholder.
Q: Can I get a different design of the Peacetraveler Community membership card?
A: If by that you mean a different background color, or changing some of the quotes on the card, it is possible. The rest of our design is not subject to change.
Q: Can I create my own Peacetraveler Community in my country?
A: You are completely free to organize a similar community, movement, or association. The Peacetraveler Community IS NOT TO BE IDENTIFIED WITH ANY OF EXISTING PEACE COMMUNITY, ASSOCIATION, FEDERATION, OR FOUNDATION.
© 2023 The Peacetraveler Community
We protect all user data. No third parties are involved! See our Privacy Policy
Contact form - the Gaia Sophia Community
For the membership card issued to your personal name, please, email your photo to: info@peacetraveling.com

Gaia Sophia Community Endorsing Members 1982 – 1999
Milan Fraz Abies Payter A. Watanabe Leonard Aslan Rubins — Mother Andrea Marko Francis John Vogelnik Eda Maharshi